Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

The 44th Annual Meeting "The Science of Criminal Justice Sciences"
March 13-17, 2007
Seattle, Washington

Guess who is presenting??? Yes, yours truly. Be sure to check out the variety of papers and presentations.

One bit of advice, if you are interested in any of these papers or topics, you can email the presenter(s) and ask for a bibliography of the paper or s/he (they) may even send you the entire paper to view. This is a great way to get an idea of what is happening in the field of criminal justice in terms of research.

States standup to cyberbullies -

States standup to cyberbullies -


Welcome one and all to the all new and improved BLOG for all interested students (and all other interested parties) at Saint Joseph's College of Maine. I hope this BLOG serves you well as we discuss the various issues surrounding social justice, human rights, criminal justice and social inequality.

Please be reminded your input and collaboration is valued and we hope this serves you well throughout your academic career and beyond!!!